Unique Tree
Photo: Jeff Johnson
Find the most unique tree in your neighborhood.
Being outside will give you natural sunlight, walking will give you physical activity, searching will feed your curiosity, and finding the most unique tree will encourage wonder and awe. And you might even meet one of your neighbors.
How to?
Walk around your neighborhood.
Look at and admire any and all the trees. Notice their features, patterns, and details. Pause to appreciate them.
Pick the most unique one. If you want to scream “I found it!” at the top of your lungs we won’t tell anyone.
Unique doesn’t necessarily mean the biggest or prettiest. Seek out small trees, weird trees, and wise trees too.
Squint your eyes to see contrast patterns among the leaves and branches.
If you don’t have trees in your neighborhood, find a friend, relative, or neighbor and plant some.
Try this idea from my friend and rad graphic designer, Mike Nelson - Start by looking at the tree from afar. Then while walking towards it without looking, stop and look from a bit closer. Then eventually stare at the tree with your nose almost touching the tree. It’s fun to see the tree from different perspectives.
The Rabbit Hole (References for People Who Like to Geek Out)
Lee, J., Park, B. J., Tsunetsugu, Y., Ohira, T., Kagawa, T., & Miyazaki, Y. (2011). Effect of forest bathing on physiological and psychological responses in young Japanese male subjects. Public health, 125(2), 93–100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2010.09.005
Seuss, Dr. (1971). The Lorax. Random House.
We’d love to know how you microdose nature!
If you’d like to help expand the diversity of our microdoses (and help create a thriving community of nature junkies in the process), email us at hello@naturejunkielife.com
In your email, briefly describe your favorite nature connection experience, how to do it, and how it makes you feel. The more weird, wise and wonderful the better. Thanks in advance!