Share a Shaka
Photo: Lucas Moore
Share a shaka with a friend, family member, or even a complete stranger.
Because a shaka, which originates in Hawaiian culture, is a show of friendship, gratitude, love and unity. When you share such a gesture with another human, it makes you feel good inside. And we need more of that in life.
How to?
Curl your three middle fingers down toward the base of your palm, extend your thumb and pinky finger, then rotate your wrist to give the shaka some movement.
Wave your shaka toward another person and smile.
Feel the stoke, unity, and connection with your fellow human.
Shakas are a great way to help prevent road rage. Next time someone cuts you off in traffic, just take a deep breath and share a shaka.
If something really good happens, feel free to do a double shaka, which is when you make a shaka out of both hands.
The Rabbit Hole (References for People Who Like to Geek Out)
Some History of the Shaka:
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