Mountain Sunset
Photo: Jeff Johnson
Watch the sunset in the mountains.
There’s just something magical about watching the sun go down at high elevation. The mountains seem to create their own weather phenomenon and you never know what type of visual show will unravel. Also, by being outside around sunset you can train your circadian rhythm to be healthier. Also, because mountains are so majestic, they may help induce a sense of awe, which is great for mood.
How to?
Go to the mountains.
Watch the sun go down. Take a few slow, deep breaths.
Soak in the vast landscape and notice how the lighting changes in your panoramic field of vision.
Dress warm. Bring friends and flashlights so you can find your way back home.
The Rabbit Hole (References for People Who Like to Geek Out)
Keltner, D. (2016, May 10). Why Do We Feel Awe?
Huberman, A [@Hubermanlab]. (2020 April 9). “Morning and evening sunlight is especially important and powerful, when it comes to activating the biological circuits that support mental [Photograph]. Instagram.
Huberman, A. (Host). (2021 June 14). The science of vision, eye health & seeing better (No. 24) [Video podcast episode]. In Huberman Lab. Timestamp: 32:00
Patterson, S.S., Kuchenbecker, J.A., Anderson, J.R., Neitz, M., Neitz, J. (2020). A Color Vision Circuit for Non-Image-Forming Vision in the Primate Retina. Current Biology, 30(7), 1269-1274.e2.
Rivera, A.M., Huberman A.D. (2020). Neuroscience: A Chromatic Retinal Circuit Encodes Sunrise and Sunset for the Brain. Current Biology, 30(7), R316-R318.
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