Milky Way Bioluminescence
Photo: Jeff Johnson
Watch the milky way in the night sky while simultaneously viewing bioluminescence in the ocean.
Because if you get a chance to witness this rare phenomenon it will most likely throw you into a complete state of awe and wonder, which feels amazing.
How to?
Find a dark sky area along the coastline during milky way season that is also having an red tide event.
Go there after dark when the milky way is rising.
Drop your jaw in complete awe.
Use a website to help locate dark sky zones near you (see below in the references).
Search the web for red tide event tracking.
Milky way season is generally from early spring (Feb) to early fall (October).
The Rabbit Hole (References for People Who Like to Geek Out)
Keltner, D. (2016, May 10). Why Do We Feel Awe?
Dark Sky Locator:
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